Bitcoin Hashrate når 400 Exahash per sekund, Forsker siger, at netværket kunne nå Zettahash-æraen ved 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 billioner, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Ifølge statistikker, marts 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s)….

Midt i høj energiefterspørgsel fra minearbejdere, Rusland overvejer at bygge nye kraftværker i Sibirien

Growing electricity consumption in the crypto mining sector may require the construction of new power generation facilities in Siberia, the energy minister of Russia has acknowledged. Demand continues to increase in residential areas as well, after regional authorities abandoned a proposal

Kædelyserapport siger $2.2 Millioner i krypto er blevet sendt til pro-russiske grupper i Ukraine

Ifølge en rapport, der stammer fra blockchain-efterretningsfirmaet Chainalysis, det identificerede firma 54 pro-russiske grupper, der har “samlet modtaget over $2.2 cryptocurrency for en værdi af millioner.” De paramilitære grupper i Ukraine modtog primært bitcoin- og etherdonationer, men fik også…

Rusland, USA i toppen 3 for krypto-relaterede trusler, Cybersikkerhedsrapport afsløres

Threats related to cryptocurrency have followed prices, decreasing significantly after the market slump in May, suggests a recent report released by a leading internet security firm. Detections fell by almost a quarter but Russia remains the most affected country, with the

Central Bank of Turkey udvider forskning, Forbereder sig på at teste Digital Lira på ny platform

The Turkish central bank has established a new platform together with technology stakeholders to further the development of a digitalized version of the national fiat currency. The new collaboration will allow Turkey to focus on expanding research and conducting tests of